OK, but horrible collision lol. I went through the floor a few times.
OK, but horrible collision lol. I went through the floor a few times.
Yea, that was a thing with the breakable barriers that I never got around to fixing. It will be fixed in later versions, though.
Fun. Good job. :)
Thank you!
Honestly, this game is pretty horrible. First, the entire guy rotates. Not enough upgrades, no gameplay besides clicking, art is not that great.
It's fine for newgrounds, but why are you trying to sell this...? Learn more before you try to sell something like this.
Honestly, 5 months of programming hard work, 70 days of programming without a single day off. Game engine made from scratch. Art is also made by me. $2 is just for the sake of support.
The price seems suitable for what you get.
If I was to learn more and make a better product, normally it would have a higher price.
This is my best shot for now.
Thanks for your comment and rating anyway! :)
Very boring. Not much to do.
Awesome. Voting for you :D
Thank you for voting :) I'm glad people like the game :)
Wow, that was great. I was wondering why the racing game was important, but the car crash was a nice touch.
The crash is the premise of the game and the trauma you are attempting to over-come throughout the game, so it does become pretty important haha~ ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Hittests are too buggy. OK I guess.
Lag problems? What kind of bugs? ^ ^
Cool idea, maybe slightly too slow?
Perhaps... we have newgame+ that's faster, but obviously only few people will make it tha far. Thanks for the input.
Software Engineer
Joined on 10/11/11