Yeah... nice thought. Would be even better if you actually made the engine. You took this engine from a tutorial from youtube. Good job for putting in more stuff, bit there's not much actual gameplay when you look at it.
Yeah... nice thought. Would be even better if you actually made the engine. You took this engine from a tutorial from youtube. Good job for putting in more stuff, bit there's not much actual gameplay when you look at it.
I don't know what you are referring to. This game was made in a 52 hour period with the help of no outside sources. Made in unity so it may have the feel of a similar game but all games made in unity do.
Wow. Most original game I've seen yet. Very good job.
Thanks a lot. Glad to hear that.
My only problem... it doesn't save.
I love all your games so much. Don't stop making games man.
It's OK… Nothing new though. I would suggest adding more stuff, such as power ups. Also, I would suggest starting farther down, because if I don't instantly let go when I start, I die.
i made a new version come see it
Love it. Keep making games! I second the mute button though.
Graphics look good, but way too easy. I just stayed in the middle and didn't die once.
No actual gameplay. The code is nice… I guess… But there's no point in playing this.
Software Engineer
Joined on 10/11/11